Artificial Intelligence inzetten
een voorbeeld uit de praktijk
de opdracht
Dhr. Paquet verzamelt al meer dan 40 jaar materiaal van en over de filmregisseur Sir David Lean.
Hij heeft zijn verzameling mooi gecategoriseerd per film.
30 mappen, 284 pagina’s, 5000 afbeeldingen.
Hij wilde dit archief ook op het internet en gaf Pink Sun de opdracht.
de uitvoering
In this chat can you1 delete all the excess spaces in the sentences in the data below. No more than one space between words.2 leave a blank line between the sentences3 remove the code between the brackets like […] at the end of the sentenceI’ll give you the data below
de klant:
“A few years I decided I needed a website allowing those interested in the career of famous film director David Lean to access my collection. I contacted Pink Sun actually at random and so began my meeting with Renee Verberne. She came to visit and her open smile immediately put me at ease. After explaining what I needed she began immediately to work, sketching out the basic outline of the website that would display over 350 pages of text and thousands of images. She also put me to work inputing a great deal of the text and images myself into the structure she created, saving me a great deal of money. The end result is something we are both proud of.”
– Ron Paquet
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